Enter Pets Enter pets to the hotel room is generally prohibited, however, many people can not resist the urge to do so, because they are very accustomed to take their pets everywhere.
Sexual fantasies Have imagination in love is very good, but I do not care in such public places as a hotel. There's everything from recording their lovemaking, sex in the elevator, hallways, pool and of course those who put others into the room to perform activities together.
Hotel take things that are not gifts While hotels designate certain items for the guest to take home, others are definitely part of the site and is not allowed to take home. Even with all the bad habit there by some to take the plates, hair dryers and more.
Skinny dipping This is quite common, especially by tourists from Europe, remember it's okay to feel comfortable with your body, but if you go to a hotel, make it possible to go swimming naked in the pool, it can be disruptive to some of those staying there.
Loud sex Therapists recommend holiday for two to revive the flame of love, but there are levels! There are people who are driven both by passion that ultimately make the rest are those who need therapy. The rooms are for it, but be careful not to announce the entire hotel nicknames for your partner in private.
Firstly, we must remember that hotels are places to rest. Many hoteliers strive to equip their facilities so that visitors feel better than at home. However, some people take it too seriously “Feel like home” and simply they make a disaster.
That’s why, we have prepared this “Top Five” of prohibited activities that tourist do un a hotel, we invite you to share with us your own experiences. Do you know another prohibited activities?
Introducir Mascotas
Introducir animales al cuarto de hotel está generalmente prohibido, sin embargo, muchas personas no pueden resistir las ganas de hacerlo, pues están muy acostumbradas a llevar a sus mascotas a todas partes.